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Abdominal Separation

Rachael Boniface - Physiotherapist

3 questions I frequently get asked at a post partum check up?

1. Are my abs separated? Firstly ALL pregnant women will have some degree of separation in pregnancy. Therefore it’s normal! Stop stressing about how wide your separation is, because it has plenty of time to recover. The most amount of spontaneous recovery happens in the first 6-8 weeks postpartum. So, take it easy, use good abdominal compression and chat to your physio about a plan for you!

2. When should I have sex again? I use the word ‘should’ because we ‘should’ only have sex after birth when we feel ready… but definitely not before 6 weeks at least! It’s normal to be scared or to avoid it for several months. We are tired, horny hormones are very low and did I mention we are tired! Take your time, use plenty of oil or silicone lubricant (see my previous post) and DON’T put any pressure on yourself to get back into bed.

3. When can I go back to gym? This is VERY different for ALL women. Consult with a womens health physio first!

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